Experiences with my KX3, #620

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Experiences with my KX3, #620

David F. Reed-2
I have had my KX3 for 3 days now, and have formed some initial
impressions I thought I would share.

I ordered the filters, paddle, and battery charger options (the BC was
back-ordered as expected).

The manual is complete and helpful.  I found many functions to be
similar to what the K3 has; the layout is somewhat different, but very

My initial tests were on a 40M folded dipole, 12 feet above the ground.
Not my usual Quad, as I wanted to simulate portable operation.

I loaded Energized Lithium batteries as that what what I had on hand.

My first contact was on 6 M; a local ham; now for some HF SSB...

I managed to work several of the 13 colonies special events stations,
and VP2VQ, and then checked into the Elecraft net.

I found that if I turned off the preamp, and they were strong then they
would hear me well.

I have to admit, its a fine piece of gear, well worth the wait and I am
addicted.  CW awaits now that I have adjusted the paddle to my taste.

Thanks Elecraft, you have done a fine job - keep it up; may you enjoy
the success you so richly deserve.

Best 73 de Dave, W5SV

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