External linear amplifier with CW

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External linear amplifier with CW

Hi 'crafters,

I perused the archives and found a little bit of information on the K2 having a high voltage keying transistor for keying an external amplifier.  Use of 8R Hold for delay times?  I need more help on how to do this for operating in CW only.

I am accustomed to linears having key-in, key-out for QSK.  This Tokyo Hy-Power amp has a fast t/r relay to put the amp into transmit mode, equivalent to PTT where I have used a foot switch to transmit.  While a foot switch isn't bad, I'd rather use the K2 keying transistor to trigger the amp.  Am I on the right track?  Any ideas?
73, de Joe - aa4nn
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Re: External linear amplifier with CW

Joe - aa4nn wrote:

> Hi 'crafters,
> I perused the archives and found a little bit of information on the K2 having
> a high voltage keying transistor for keying an external amplifier.  Use of 8R
> Hold for delay times?  I need more help on how to do this for operating in CW
> only.
> I am accustomed to linears having key-in, key-out for QSK.  This Tokyo
> Hy-Power amp has a fast t/r relay to put the amp into transmit mode,
> equivalent to PTT where I have used a foot switch to transmit.  While a foot
> switch isn't bad, I'd rather use the K2 keying transistor to trigger the amp.
> Am I on the right track?  Any ideas?

You shouldn't have any trouble using the keying output of the k2/100, which is
based on the 8r line.  There is sufficient lead time to safely key QSK amps (I
forget how much, but maybe 15 msec? -- someone who knows, please jump in).  I
have used it with homebrew vacuum relay QSK systems as well as an Alpha with PIN
diode switching.  You should not need the key-in/out setup.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: External linear amplifier with CW

Thanks for the tips.  The K2 PA Keyout line to the Tokyo Hy-Power "Send"
input works perfectly for putting the linear amp into transmit mode.  I set
the T-R delay to .75 for a good delay time when sending slow code.
Thanks for all the replies.
73, Joe, aa4nn

K2VCO Wrote:
> You shouldn't have any trouble using the keying output of the k2/100,
> which is based on the 8r line.  There is sufficient lead time to safely
> key QSK amps (I forget how much, but maybe 15 msec? -- someone who knows,
> please jump in).  I have used it with homebrew vacuum relay QSK systems as
> well as an Alpha with PIN diode switching.  You should not need the
> key-in/out setup.

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Re: External linear amplifier with CW

In reply to this post by Vic K2VCO
I have the circuit from the Elecraft web site.  Unfortunately, my SB-220
won't really do QSK.  Any ideas on how to modify the little perf board
interface to put some (hopefully adjustable) delay in the release to
simulate semi-QSK with VOX for the amp?


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Vic Rosenthal wrote:

> You shouldn't have any trouble using the keying output of the k2/100, which is
> based on the 8r line.  There is sufficient lead time to safely key QSK amps (I
> forget how much, but maybe 15 msec? -- someone who knows, please jump in).  I
> have used it with homebrew vacuum relay QSK systems as well as an Alpha with PIN
> diode switching.  You should not need the key-in/out setup.
> --
> 73,
> Vic, K2VCO
> Fresno CA
> http://www.qsl.net/k2vco

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Re: External linear amplifier with CW

Fred Jensen wrote:

> I have the circuit from the Elecraft web site.  Unfortunately, my SB-220
> won't really do QSK.  Any ideas on how to modify the little perf board
> interface to put some (hopefully adjustable) delay in the release to
> simulate semi-QSK with VOX for the amp?

The perf-board circuit also uses 8r, and if you have '8r hold' enabled in the
menu (the default in recent firmware), the delay will follow the t-r setting.
The problem you may have will be with the attack, not the release.  The stock
SB220 relay is quite slow and bouncy, so it might hot-switch when you start to
talk or send.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: External linear amplifier with CW

In reply to this post by k6dgw
I use the keying adapter output on my K2 to key an antenna
relay in my 160m vertical.  You can set the release
dealy in the menu system on the K2 for whatever
delay you want, within reason.  Check it out.
73, Bob N6WG
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Keiying an external amp with the K2

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
In reply to this post by k6dgw
Hi Fred,

The K2 has this delay function built into its firmware. Look up '8R
Hold' in the current manual. Once enabled in the menu it will keep 8R
(and the Keyout line on the KPA100) keyed as long as the keying hang
time is set for.

73, Eric  WA6HHQ

wayne burdick wrote:

> I have the circuit from the Elecraft web site.  Unfortunately, my SB-220
> won't really do QSK.  Any ideas on how to modify the little perf board
> interface to put some (hopefully adjustable) delay in the release to
> simulate semi-QSK with VOX for the amp?
> 73,
> Fred K6DGW
> Auburn CA CM98lw
> Vic Rosenthal wrote:
>>You shouldn't have any trouble using the keying output of the k2/100, which is
>>based on the 8r line.  There is sufficient lead time to safely key QSK amps (I
>>forget how much, but maybe 15 msec? -- someone who knows, please jump in).  I
>>have used it with homebrew vacuum relay QSK systems as well as an Alpha with PIN
>>diode switching.  You should not need the key-in/out setup.

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