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I have a feeling I'm not the only one who had an outstanding FD thanks to  the
Elecraft K2.  I for one have about the puniest signal anywhere thanks  to an
all-too-common lack of real estate to erect proper antennas.   Nonetheless, I
absolutely love Field Day.  Like many people these days, I have more  than
one rig to choose from as my FD radio.  Yes, I have an Orion and could  drag
an IC-756PRO (no, not the PROII) out of mothballs if I cared to, but I  love
way that I can operate the K2 with one hand (without having to fly across
several feet of front panel and navigate several layers of menus).   Plus,
many, many turns of the A/B switch, I have concluded that my K2 can hear
ANYTHING any of the other radios can hear.  Since I built it myself, I  even
ran through the alignments again just before FD began.  What a waste  of time;
it was still perfectly tuned.  
Kudos to Wayne, Eric, and all the folks at Elecraft that make it possible  for
slobs like me to wish they hadn't wasted their money on other (i.e.,  non-
Elecraft) radios.
K2 # 2537
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Re: FB FD TNX 2 K2

bill linn
Bob and Group:

Me too!  Nr 4001 had a great casual FD in the wilds of North Idaho.    Put
up a 40 meter loop.   It performed pretty darn good but must have been tied
directly to 6-Land.  :)   (I guess that the K2 knew where its roots were!)

My grandson, Justin, (age 14) has helped me with field day for the last
three years and usually spends time beside me logging and keeping track of
the Dupe Sheet.   This year he wanted to try his hand at the mic.   We
turned to 20 meters, tapped the tune button, and instantly were on the air.
He worked a  whole bunch of stations, including three stations in Hawaii and
two in Alaska.   (At ten watts, of course.)

Together, (5 watt CW and 10 watt SSB) we made just over 100 contacts with
the K2 and 40 meter full wave loop.

Three cheers for the group and Elecraft!

Bill - W7WEL

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