FD is a party

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FD is a party

Steve L.-3
Up here, it seems that the clubs are mostly OFs who
just want to get out and have fun on FD.

They include everyone who shows up as a 'participant',
and most of the people who show up are there for the
Saturday Night BBQ.

Mostly, folks wander in on Saturday morning and sorta
stare at each other, drinking coffee. Around 1PM they
have the tents up, the coffee pot running and a ground
mounted vertical or two fired up. They run mostly SSB.

That's why WB7FJG and I got a club call, W7MRG, and do
our own contesting. We do FD and VHF contests (placed
5th in the west coast for the June VHF contest) and
even stuff like the Flight of the Bumblebees. We plan
for months and so far have had near perfect execution.

No coffee, no standing around, no fun.
Right on!

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