FD results...

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FD results...

The 2 K2's were the work horses, one stayed on 20CW throughout and the
other was used extensivly on 40CW. The other operators were impressed with
my K2's and I think a couple will be buying soon!

Call: AA5B
Operator(s): AA5B, KK6MC, K5TQ, K5TA, K7UP, N7KA
Station: AA5B

Class: 6A QRP
Operating Time (hrs): 23.5

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
   80:    63     4      
   40:   502     0      
   20:   675   128      
   15:   177    40      
   10:     0    27      
    6:     0    74      
Total:  1417   273      0  Total Score = 16,935

Club: NM Field Day Coalition


Still not sure what class we'll end up in. We kept three stations on the
air all
the time, with some others making sporadic appearances. I'll figure it out

It was the first QRP experience for half of the crew, and they were pleasantly
surprised. Rigs: 2 K2s (what a great radio!), 2 K1s, QRP++, OHR Classic, IC706
(6 mtrs), IC746. All battery and solar power. Except for a small yagi on 6
meters, all antennas were simple dipoles in tall ponderosa pine trees.

Did a lot of things well, but messed up a few things that we'll work on next

Lots-o-fun!   -Bruce AA5B

K2's #2012/2223  K1#637

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