FOR SALE: K2 and unbuilt KPA100

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FOR SALE: K2 and unbuilt KPA100

Michael Ross-6
I'm selling my K2, s/n 3155, along with an unbuilt KPA100 kit. K2 s/n 3155
is stock (no mods), and has the following options installed: KNB2, KAF2,
KSB2 & K160M.

I purchased this K2 along with the KPA100 kit in Dec. of 2002, and
built it in early 2003.This K2 was built with the K2 toroid kit from
Mychael, AA3WF. The unbuilt KPA100 includes the KPA100 toroid kit from
Mychael. I'm selling the entire package for $1025 including shipping. If
me at w2vd<at>arrl<dot>net

73 de Mike, W2VD

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