Beautiful Elecraft K2 QRP is loaded with all options.
This K2 S/N 00563 has been upgraded to include all the “B” mods
including the latest Firmware 2.04 and 1.09 for the I/O controller. I’ve
added all the noted options within the last 6 months it performs
The following options are installed:
KSB2 – SSB Option
KX160RX -160M, 2nd RX Antenna Option
KNB2 – Noise Blanker Option
KDSP2 – Advanced Internal DSP Filter and Clock
KI02 – Rs-232 Interface and cable
KAT2 – 20W Internal ATU
KBT2 - Internal Battery
MH2 – Heil Microphone
I will include all documentation for the K2 and each of the options.
If you’d like more pictures, please feel free to contact me.
$980.00 Includes 2 - 3 day shipping @ this price OBO. I accept PayPal
and USPS Money Orders. I will double box ship.
Tnx es 73, Mario, NM6U
[hidden email] or (805) 929-2317 after 5PM PST
or my Work Phone (805) 605-2591
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