FS Elecraft K3 (K3/100-F) 100 W HF Transceiver w/Options

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FS Elecraft K3 (K3/100-F) 100 W HF Transceiver w/Options

I have for sale my mint Elecraft K3 (K3/100-F) 100 W HF Transceiver.


 The unit was factory built by Elecraft in December 2011. It comes stock with 2.7 khz 5 pole filter installed. It has the following options that were added during the build:

KBPF3         K3 Gen. Coverage. RX Module
KFL3A-400     K3 400 Hz, 8 pole filter
KXV3A         K3 RX Ant, IF Out & Xverter Interface
KFL3B         K3 FM Bandwith, 8 pole roofing filter. (Elecraft recommended this for General Coverage AM reception)

I have had a few 10 meter QSO's with this rig. I would guess about 20 minutes TX time. Receive only I would guess at maybe 20-30 hours. It has sat on my office desk only in a clean non-smoking environment. I used a clean Swiffer to dust it weekly. I do not see any scratches that are visible to me. but it is used.

Unit will be shipped with all original boxes, packing, manuals,etc.

Unit is being sold via the ebay link above.