Hello folks,
I'm selling my K2/10 to help finance my KX3 purchase. What I have are:
K2/10 SN 4864 lovingly built by Rich Arland K7SZ and has all the latest
updates as of 6/2011.
KSB2 SSB module
KAT2 autotuner module
KDSP2 DSP module
KIOS2 I/O module
K160RX 160 meter module
KBT2 internal battery
MH2 Microphone
FDIMP Dimple weighted knob
K6XX Visible CW tuning indicator
Power output measured by Bird 43 about 12 watts on 40M into a dummy load.
All functions appear to be operating to Elecraft specifications.
Extra items:
KPA100 100 watt amplifier
KAT100 antenna tuner
KPA100 tested output 55 watts into dummy load. Needs the latest update
installed from Elecraft, parts are included to update.
KAT100 - untested, purchased used as in working condition. I have no reason
to feel otherwise about the tuner.
All manuals are included. I am not interested in separating the above
items, would rather sell as a complete package. Worst case problem is
possibly replacement of at least one final output transistor in the
KPA100. I thought I would go through the exercise of adding the update kit
to the KPA100 but just don't have time to do that and have lost the
$950 will puchase all of the above and shipping is included at that price.
Paypal add 3% ($28.50) to the total.
73 and best regards for reading my posting.
Nick Marsh
Cincinnati, OH
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