FS: K2/100 and TS850SAT

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FS: K2/100 and TS850SAT

This is the second K2/100 I have built, and I am selling this one so I can
build another.  It is a very late serial number (42XX) with the following
options installed:

KSB2   SSB Option  
K160RX 160 Meter Option
K60XV   60 Meter and XVTR Interface Option
KNB2    Noise Blanker
KPA100  100 W. Amp
KDSP2  DSP Filter/Clock
Finger Dimple Spinner

K2/100 shipped with all manuals, power cable, KPA100 to computer cable, and
frequency counter probe.  Like new, no scratches, precision alignment and works
great on all bands.  I am asking kit cost $1433 plus shipping.

I am also selling a Kenwood TS850SAT with the YK-88C-1 and YG-455C-1 CW
filters installed.  This radio will tune and transmit on the 60 meter band.  The
five 60 meter channels are programmed in quick memory.  I am the original owner.
 It looks and works like new.  It comes with the operating manual, MC43 hand
mike and power cable in the original box.  $725 plus shipping.

I also have a KAF2 for sale $35 plus shipping

If interested, please contact me direct.   Roy Morris  W4WFB
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