FS: K2/100 s/n 3455 with options

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FS: K2/100 s/n 3455 with options

Mark - W5EZY
Because of overwhelming medical bills I am forced to
sell my K2/100 s/n 3455, which I love.  Priorities,
you know.  This is a professionally assembled radio by
me, a 40-year veteran electronics technician.  Radio
is in mint condition and works perfectly.  Options
included are KPA100, KSB2, KAF2, KNB2 and the KAT100.
This radio has the latest firmware upgrade (2.04
MCU/1.09 IOC) installed.  I also have the K2KEYMDKT
that I have not installed.  I can email pictures, if
you are interested.  I would like to get $1400 plus
shipping for it.  I’ll take postal money order or
PayPal.  Please email directly.

Mark Baugh
Grenada MS

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