FS: K2 4181 FOR SALE

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FS: K2 4181 FOR SALE

Ken Wagner K3IU
Hello Elecrafters:

'Tis almost spring (19 days), and a young man's fancy turns to melting
solder. At least I think that's the way it goes. Of course, I probably don't
qualify as a "young man" any more either<g>. Nevertheless, I need to sell
one of my K2s to provide funds to play with.
K2 4181(My 7th K2) is sitting on my desk with the following options

KNB2 - Noise Blanker
K160RX - 160 meter + separate Rx antenna
KSB2 - Sideband module (2.2 kHz bandwidth)
KAF2 - Analog Audio Filter & Clock
KAT2 - Auto Tuner
KIO2 - RS232 interface

In addition, I have the following available if you want to mix and match:

KPA100 - PA Option
KAT100-1 Auto-tuner
KDSP2 audio filter & Clock
K2 Top cover with speaker

All firmware is current.

If you are interested, please email me directly off of the reflector stating
how you would like it configured and I'll give you a price.

Ken Wagner K3IU
K2s 3756, 4181

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RE: FS: K2 4181 FOR SALE

Ken Wagner K3IU

K2 #4181 has been sold. Thanks to those who showed an interest

Ken K3IU

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Ken K3IU
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 7:07 PM
To: 'Elecraft Reflector'
Subject: [Elecraft] FS: K2 4181 FOR SALE

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