I have the following for sale.. K2 serial# 4264
Purchased in May of this year
Finished/On-Air 08 JUN 2004
A beautiful Elecraft K2, built by Moi with the proper quality
ESD soldering equipment and used the pre-wound AA3WF toroids.
This radio aligned/worked perfectly the first time. Puts out rated
10W+ all bands and has the 100W internal amp connectors pre-soldered
on the main board. Has the latest hardware/firmware. Cosmetically
Did a great job in FD QRP and have had a ball using it since.
Buying a Orion so can't convience the XYL to let me keep all the
other goodies in the hamshack :-(
Since I am a CW-guy I built the K2 as such - it includes the
KAF2 CW audio filter/clock
KNB2 Noise-blanker
All needed for SSB is to build the SSB board and voila! You
can have some fun and also align it for the additional mode.
Price is 765.00 *firm* - I'll pay shipping/insurance CONUS.
If you're in Arizona I'll be happy to personally deliver it.
Replies off-list please!
72/73, Gary
Gary McClellan, K7ZD
Phoenix, Arizona USA
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