FS: K2

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FS: K2

I'm going to part with my K2 #1233... Why?  'cause I want to build
another Elecraft.

Built by its only owner - me - who doesn't smoke at all, and drinks and
cusses only in moderation :^))

Works great, and the only cosmetic blemish is a tiny divot on the RIT
button where I nicked it with a hot iron during assembly.
K2 #1233 is the QRP model and includes
        Internal autotuner
        SSB option
        160 meter/Rx antenna option
        Noise Blanker
        Computer I/O option
The "filter flatening mod" and the "side tone purity mod" have been done.
Mic jack is wired for Kenwood mics, with Rx audio brought to out one pin.
Firmware versions are 2.01E and 1.02
Original, unmarked-in manual, and the working copy of the manual that I
used for assembly are included.

I'll also include a power cord and a "N5CPE passive audio enhancement
device" (photo on request).
What's NOT included is a microphone  :^))

New current kit prices total a smidgen over $1000.
$800 plus shipping/insurance by your choice of carrier and it's yours.

Jim N5IB


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