FS: K2

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FS: K2

Jason Hissong
My K2 is for sale.  I have found a passion for astrophotography and I am
using this money to purchase a dedicated Astro CCD Camera.  Serial
number is 3475.  Options include SSB, Audio Filter, 160M.  I do not have
a mic for it (only did CW and PSK31).

Manuals provided.  This unit is in perfect working order and is in mint

Some pictures are at http://www.n8xe.com/radio/index.html.  Let me know
if you want more detailed photos.

I accept paypal (add 3% to negotiated price).

I will miss it until I get another one next year at the Dayton Hamfest.

Thanks es 73,
Jason Hissong

If you happen to have an SBIG ST7E astroimager, I would do a trade +
cash for it...  


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