FS- K2

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FS- K2

Brent Sutphin WB4X
I built this K2 with great care and have enjoyed it very much.  It is a
proven preformer. I
have worked all states QRP and  worked 135 countries using it.  It is a
great rig, but I want to build another.  So I offer this one for sale.
It is in excellent condition and comes with many options.

K2 - serial number 2571

Firmware upgraded to version 2.03d and 1.07

KNB2 - Noise Blanker
KAF2 - Audio filter/clock
KIO2 RS 232 Interface
KAT2 - 20 watt antenna tuner
Serial cable
Radioshack hand mic

The K2 has teh following upgrades;

BFOMDKT - BFO Toroid & PLL Ref Osc Xtal Upgrade
K2ATOBKT - K2 Rev A to B Upgrade
K2KSB2XTLS - Matched Filter Crystals
XFLMDKT - 2nd Filter Upgrade

All manuals and documentation

$895 + shipping/insurance. Please email if you have any questions

Brent  WB4X


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