FS: K2 with many options

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FS: K2 with many options

I recently bought this complete K2 setup and am thoroughly enjoying it. So
much so that I have decided to buy one and build it myself, so this one must
go. It is in excellent condition and comes with many options.

K2 - serial number 549
Firmware version 2.02F and 1.02 installed (K2KEYMDKT + K2 MCU and IOC
Firmware upgrade to 2.04P and 1.09 included and ready to install)
All "A to B" mods completed
KPA100 -100 w PA unit
K160RX - 160 meters/RX ant
KNB2 - Noise Blanker
KDSP2 - DSP Unit
FT-100 Knob (also comes with stock knob)
Kenwood hand mic
Serial cable
K2 "Nifty" manual

Also comes with the second top cover with the following
KAT2 - 20 watt antenna tuner
KBT2 - internal battery
KIO2 - RS232 Interface
very easy to switch between the 10 watt and 100 watt  versions.

All manuals and documentation

$1195 + shipping/insurance. Please email if you have any questions


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Re: FS: K2 with many options ***SOLD***

The K2 has been sold thanks to all who responded
----- Original Message -----
From: "NZ8J" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 6:02 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] FS: K2 with many options

> I recently bought this complete K2 setup and am thoroughly enjoying it. So
> much so that I have decided to buy one and build it myself, so this one

> go. It is in excellent condition and comes with many options.
> K2 - serial number 549
> Firmware version 2.02F and 1.02 installed (K2KEYMDKT + K2 MCU and IOC
> Firmware upgrade to 2.04P and 1.09 included and ready to install)
> All "A to B" mods completed
> KPA100 -100 w PA unit
> K160RX - 160 meters/RX ant
> KNB2 - Noise Blanker
> KDSP2 - DSP Unit
> KSB2 - SSB
> FT-100 Knob (also comes with stock knob)
> Kenwood hand mic
> Serial cable
> K2 "Nifty" manual
> Also comes with the second top cover with the following
> KAT2 - 20 watt antenna tuner
> KBT2 - internal battery
> KIO2 - RS232 Interface
> very easy to switch between the 10 watt and 100 watt  versions.
> All manuals and documentation
> $1195 + shipping/insurance. Please email if you have any questions
> Thanks
> Tim
> NZ8J
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