FS: KX1, KXB30, KXAT1; KXPD1 w/Pelican Case

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FS: KX1, KXB30, KXAT1; KXPD1 w/Pelican Case

Howard W. Ashcraft
I have a mint KX1 with the above options.  It has less than 20 hours of
use (probably less than 10) and has been stored inside a Pelican case.
There is also a small wall-wart that I use with the KX1 that fits into
the case.  Total cost exceeds $500 for the kits and Pelican case.  I am
willing to sell for $425 by certified check or Paypal.  Can be picked up
in Alameda, CA or downtown San Francisco, or shipped by FedEx at their

Howard W1WF

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