FS: MixW RigExpert and Ten-Tec 6m transverters

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FS: MixW RigExpert and Ten-Tec 6m transverters

Julian, G4ILO
Apologies for posting this, but the following two items that I'm selling on eBay might be of particular interest to K2 owners:

MixW RigExpert USB interface with K2 connecting cable: http://xaddr.com/2gi

Ten-Tec T-Kit 20m to 6m transverter, drive from K2 ANT 2 in xverter mode: http://xaddr.com/2gj

In case you're wondering, xaddr.com is yours truly's rival to TinyURL. Feel free to use it whever you need to shorten a long address, and help support a ham-owned and operated business. :)
Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222 KX3 #110
* G4ILO's Shack - http://www.g4ilo.com
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