FS: Rohde & Schwarz CMTA84 Communications Analyzer

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FS: Rohde & Schwarz CMTA84 Communications Analyzer

Howard Ashcraft-2
I have an absolutely mint Rohde + Schwarz CMTA84 1GHZ Communications
Analyzer with a URV-Z7 RF Probeset. If you aren't acquainted with Rohde +
Schwarz, their equipment is at the very high end of RF test gear.  The
CMTA84 is perfect for amatuer use because it focuses on the HF/VHF
capabilities useful to us, rather than the cellular phone measurements of
later analyzer.  And, unlike some other analyzers that are only moderately
precise, the CMTA84 was designed to R+S's high accuracy standards.

This CMTA84 was purchased from Hewlett Packard and had been used by Compaq
computer, which HP acquired.  I do not know what Compaq did with the CMTA84
as it appeared absolutely unused.  It has both the front and rear covers
(rare) and the original manual, in English.  Among its many other
measurements, the CMTA84 has a RF voltmeter.  It took me 2 years to find the
matching RF probeset, the URV-Z7, which in this instance comes with two sets
of 20 db and 40 db tips and the in-line bnc probe connector, which are
normally accessories  The URV-Z7 is rated to 1GHZ .  The last URV-Z7 I saw
for sale was in excess of 350 or 400 euros.

The CMTA84 is an astonishing piece of equipment.  Unlike later communication
analyzers, this unit was built for HF and VHF equipment, it has a signal
generator to 1 Ghz, two audio signal generators, a power meter good to 50
watts, an rf voltmeter, SINAD, distortion, and S/N ratio measurements, a
frequency counter, a basic oscilloscope, an AF spectrum analyzer, an SSB
analyzer, a RF Spectrum Monitor and much, much more.  Most of the
instruments are independent and they are all controlled from a OXCO.   It is
fully programmable, and you can do a full set of tranceiver tests by
connecting the CMTA84 audio output to the microphone and the transceiver
antenna to the CMTA84.  It can also do tone encoding and decoding.  (Tests
can be automated and will even generate a report, although I have not done
that, and it requires some programming.)

I have put a 24 page color R+S brochure at *
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8297661/CMTA84%20Complete%20Brochure.pdf* which
provides extensive information about the capabilities of the unit and
complete specifications.  This says more than I can put in put in a posting.

This is the best instrument on my workbench, but I find that I just am not
having the time to work on projects, so it (and my other test equipment), is
grossly underutilized.  If you are looking for a compact unit that doesn't
sacrifice quality for versatility.  You should consider the CMTA84.
The unit, with the URV-Z7 probeset and manual is available for $2,900 plus
shipping and insurance from Alameda, CA.  Please email me off reflector at
[hidden email] if you are interested.  I will be happy to provide
photographs or other information to serious inquiries.

Howard, W1WF
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