FS: Ventenna HFp Portable Antenna

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FS: Ventenna HFp Portable Antenna

Michael Bower N4NMR
I have for sale:

Ventenna's HFp 10-40 meter Portable Antenna.  Used little (don't get out
much).  Has all parts etc.  For details, see www.ventenna.com.

Asking $130 including regular shipping CONUS.  (If you want USPS Priority
shipping add $3.00 and I'll pick up the rest.)  

Payment can be by PayPal (preferred) (to my e-mail address above), check,
cash, MO.

If PayPal, they take approx $4.00 of this so add $2.00.  (I don't like
PayPal any better than most people but it sure is convenient.)

Questions welcome.

Michael Bower N4NMR

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Re: FS: Ventenna HFp Portable Antenna

Say this antenna doesn't get out much?  hmmm
de Joe, aa4nn
>I have for sale:
> Ventenna's HFp 10-40 meter Portable Antenna.  Used little (don't get out
> much).  Has all parts etc.  For details, see www.ventenna.com.

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