FW: Any OO's on reflector?

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FW: Any OO's on reflector?

Dan Barker
Well, it's not audible here (Extreme Northwest Georgia) now (1800Z). It was
very readable (tho not overly strong) early this morning (1200Z).

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Ron D'Eau Claire
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 12:36 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Any OO's on reflector?

I alerted the ARRL intruder watch yesterday. Here's their reply:


Tom forwarded your report to me.  Thanks very much for it.  I have gotten
reports overnight from TN and CA on this also.  I will see if our monitoring
people can help locate a source for this.  That is a bit different.  I would
appreciate any further reports on this if it continues.

Chuck Skolaut, KØBOG
Field & Regulatory Correspondent
ARRL Headquarters
Phone: 860 594 0239


If you are hearing it - during the day especially since that would pin down
the general location - I'm sure Chuck would appreciate hearing about it.

In general, if you are hearing what is clearly an intruder on the Ham bands,
it's a good idea to send off a report to Chuck. With Ham-band rigs now
"hammer simple" to plug in and fire up on the air, intruders are sure to
become a growing nuisance unless we jump right on them.


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