FW: Fw: Two radios one key

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FW: Fw: Two radios one key

Dan Barker
The key is doing PTT on the K2 when it's in SSB mode. You're going to have
to switch the key between the rigs to keep the K2 listening. TEST mode would
assure you don't transmit into no antenna, but the Rx will still mute. This
is operating as designed, DASH (Dot for you right-handed folks) and PTT are
the same line.

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

Subject: Two radios one key

Summary, "Don't".

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kpa 100mdkt

I bought the kpa100mdkt kit and in reading the instructions it says to
remove the circuit board from the heat sink which means you have to remove
the screws that hold the transistors to the heat sink when I reinstall the
transistors won't I need new heat sheilds under the transistors or can I
reuse the old ones?

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Re: kpa 100mdkt

David wrote:

> I bought the kpa100mdkt kit and in reading the instructions it says to
> remove the circuit board from the heat sink which means you have to remove
> the screws that hold the transistors to the heat sink when I reinstall the
> transistors won't I need new heat sheilds under the transistors or can I
> reuse the old ones?

The first time I took the KPA100 board off of the heat sink I ordered a set of
new thermal pads from Elecraft, just in case I damaged them.  I needn't have
worried; the transistors came off without damaging the pads.  I have since taken
it off a second time, and still no damage.  The pads will stick to the
transistors or to the heat sink.   Just leave them where they are and don't mess
with them!

If you want to be 100% sure, then you can get the pads, but in my experience
they weren't needed.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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