FW: Good URL for the homebrewer

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FW: Good URL for the homebrewer

Rick Commo
I called Elecraft Service yesterday to inquire as to they buy that nice
heat-strippable wire for winding toroids.  I wanted to get a supply of the
wire and also some toroids for various HB projects in the works.

While chatting with Richard I was given the following URL, which a lot you
might find very useful.  

I found it is a very nice "one stop" site for a lot of different home
brewing needs.  So if you haven't bookmarked it already, you need to check
out http://oselectronics.com.

-rick, K7LOG

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Re: FW: Good URL for the homebrewer

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
I have had good luck with http://planetengineers.com -- I ordered a
couple of spools of double-insulated low-temp heat strippable wire for
winding antenna coils and it arrived as promised.  They even have it in
purty colors...

On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 11:14pm, Rick Commo wrote:
> I called Elecraft Service yesterday to inquire as to they buy that nice
> heat-strippable wire for winding toroids.  ...
WA5ZNU Leigh
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