FW: K2

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FW: K2




Hi folks


I Have a K2 and I finished the part II of RF board.

I think that the receiver is working fine because I connected an antenna and
I heard CW signals.

The problem is that if I touch any button the receiver stops working and the
s meter goes to 9+40 (end).

But if I tap the MENU button and turn the VFO knob to see the other entries,
then the receiver start's again. Then I tap the MENU button the displays
shows the frequency an all seems ok (sound on the headphones), but if I
touch any button or if I turn the VFO knob the receiver stop's.

I made a revision on the PCB, but all seems OK.


Suggestions?  Comments?



Thanks in advance.



73's from Portugal


Normando CT2GCI

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BL1 Balun

Hi 'Crafters,

With K2/100 100w out after two QSOs on 40m overall about 40 minutes the BL1
balun is quite hot to the touch.  This is the first time I have used the BL1
with a CF Zepp.  Amazing SWR 1:1 80m-10m, works great.  I'm thinking I might
need to glue a heat sink on that toroid.  Anybody done this or am I too much
QRO and heat is normal.  hi

73, Joe, aa4nn

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QRPp with K2 1146

I0SKK - Alessandro Santucci
Hallo folks,
this week end in a SOTA (Summit on the Air) activity, finally  I was able to
do a really QRPp set of QSO's:
one G, one EI, one ON, one LY and finally one OK QSO from M. Le Macchie
(JN62QS) in HF, using K2 at 0.1 W power plus 20 dB attenuation, makes 1 mW
output into a  modified windom with a I7SWX design balun.
It is a total of over 7.000.000 km/W, really happy and really a good result.
The summit of monte Le Macchie was on 1592m over the sea, with a lot of wind
and cloud coming soon with a storm...
What can we do with a beam, for example a spiderbeam?....without bad wx?

73 to everyone K2'ers.

Alex I0SKK

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