FW: Navigating the Modification maze

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FW: Navigating the Modification maze

Don Wilhelm-3
I received a suggestion that I add the information that if you are
contemplating the addition of the K60XV near the time of your K2 upgrade,
the updated firmware comes free with the K60XV (or any option that requires
a firmware upgrade), so you can save yourself $44 by ordering both the
upgrade parts and the K60XV.  Just let Lisa know that the firmware is needed
when ordering the option.


-----Original Message-----


Actually the Elecraft 'spare parts and mods' order information is easier to
work with for what you want to do than the LA3ZA listing - I don't want to
diminish the usefullness of the LA3ZA listing, but it contains many 'special
purpose' mods and can be intimidating just by virtue of the sheer quantity
of mods listed.

My recommendation to any K2 owner with lower than SN 3000 is that you first
download the A to B instructions, then order and install all the parts
(kits) listed in that document - unless some are already installed, plus -
order the PLL Temperature stability mod and the Keying Waveshape mod - and
in addition, if you do not have 2 1N4148 diodes in your junkbox, order 2 of
those also.  Order and install the K2 firmware upgrade (you will need it
with the Keying Waveshape mod), and install the sidetone source change
indicated in the KPA100 and/or KIO2 instrucitions (even if you don't need
it).  Also if your SN is less than 2650, order a new set of crystals too
(filter width modification kits are also available if you desire a change).
Check the turns on T7 as you are doing the upgrades and if you have the very
old 13:3 ratio, change it to the newer 22:5 ratio.  The 2 diodes are to add
the 'Extremely Strong Signal Handling' change to your K2 (download the Rev F
K2 manual and look at page 59 column 1 to see how to install the diodes).
If your KPA100 is not the latest level, order the changes for that option
too (you can tell the level by the resistors - download the KPA100 manual to
compare with yours).

If you do all the above, you should end up with the electrical equivalent of
the newest K2 being shipped, and it will 'perform like a new one' - you will
not be disappointed.


> -----Original Message-----
> The LA3ZA Unofficial Guide to Elecraft K2 Modifications is an excellent
> resource for determining the mods that exist for the K2.  What I find
> confusing however, is where some of the upgrades incorporate or include
> other mods.  For example, I understand that the KPA-100 includes
> some of the
> Revision B mods.  In short, I am more than a little confused in
> this regard.
> I am planning on upgrading my K2, serial # 2359 [firmware 2.01H] with the
> KPA-100 and KDSP2.  It has the KSB2 and also the KIO2 (which I
> understand is
> superseded by some arrangement in the KPA-100).  At the same time, I would
> like to install the Revision B and firmware upgrade, and perhaps the wider
> SSB crystals.
> My question is whether there is someone on this list who has a similar
> vintage K2, and who is also planning on installing at least the
> KPA-100 and
> Revision B.  Perhaps someone has already studied the charts and
> information,
> and figured out exactly what must be installed.   If so, could you contact
> me?  I would like to develop a list of all the upgrades/mods and purchase
> them at one time.  Hopefully someone has done all this research,
> from which
> I can benefit.  Thanks in advance.  Tom W6EIJ

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