FW: New Award ?????

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FW: New Award ?????

Dan Barker
Wow! That would be a difficult achievement. All Elecraft Rigs in a state?
That's a lot for just Georgia. How would you verify? How do you work the
ones under construction? Do you have to send back the award if someone else
in a State buys an Elecraft rig?


You need Worked All States Via Elecraft (WASVE - pronounced waves - AND
doesn't violate the NASA rule, as NASA itself does).

Dan / WG4S (NASA compliant callsign AND Name AND serial number) / K2 #2456

WAERIAS, pronounced "WEAR-ee-ass"  (Acronyms at NASA had to be
pronouncable, and generally typable with the fingers of one hand --
while the other hand held down the shift key)

Worked All Elecraft Rigs In All States.

Fred K6DGW

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