Ha! I fire up PSK31 from time to time, make a contact, then it's back to CW
for the next six months!
Some modes, like some gear, are fun to tinker with in order to master the
techniques of making them work, but that doesn't mean that I'll enjoy using
them on the air all that much.
As for keeping the audio below ALC threshold in SSB modes, the only issue I
can see is when the K2 is able to deliver more than rated power (10 watts
for a basic K2). At power levels above the rated maximum the finals may not
be as linear as they should, producing more distortion. So if all your K2
can make with the POWER control fully CW is 10 watts (like many of them on
the upper end of 10 meters), then it's not a problem. But down on 40 meters
the finals can be over-driven. That's why they make more than 10 watts of RF
on that band. That's fine for CW in which linearity in the finals is not
important, but not good for SSB which requires a linear power amplifier.
I've never seen any distortion numbers from Elecraft, but only noted that
the manual cautions against operating with the POWER control above that
which the K2 could deliver, or trying to run more than 10 watts output in
SSB with a QRP K2.
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