FW: RE : RE : Vrms measurements with oscilloscope

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FW: RE : RE : Vrms measurements with oscilloscope

Dan Barker
I set the VFO to 7.000 MHz.

Vertical to 50 mV / division
Channel 1
Trigger Auto
Horizontal wide open (about 5 cycles on the screen)

Probe to 1x
U4 P1 probe loaded circuit, oscillation stopped

Probe to 10x
U4 P1 4.50 divisions (4.5  * 0.050 * 10 = 2.25,  .86 RMS - Spec: 0.8-1.8)
U3 P3 2.25 divisions (2.25 * 0.050 * 10 = 1.125, .43 RMS - Spec: 0.3-0.4)
U3 P6 4.50 divisions (4.5  * 0.050 * 10 = 2.25,  .86 RMS - Spec: 0.6-0.75)


Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

OK, go with step 2-3-4 on page 10 "Signal tracing"
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