FW: RE : Vrms measurements with oscilloscope

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FW: RE : Vrms measurements with oscilloscope

Dan Barker
I have a 'scope.
I have a K2.
Be happy to run through, recording Pk-Pk voltages for you.
What points do you want measured?

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

If someone could provide us some readouts ... with a scope would be really

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RE : RE : Vrms measurements with oscilloscope

OK, go with step 2-3-4 on page 10 "Signal tracing"

PLL reference oscillator and VCO
On the RF board PIN 1 of U4, PIN 3 of U3 and PIN 6 of U3 also.

With these 3 readouts, both did with the RF probe and the scope (peak to
peak value), I will be able check if I'm starting the right way.

Maybe it would be interesting if someone could convert the signal tracing
chapter when using a standard scope instead of the RF probe. I can take
snapshot image with my scope. When I finished building my K2 completly, I
would like to do a complete document with snapshot and value that I received
during calibration. And later, I will able to recheck if some values change
with time, or many others things to check.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de Dan Barker
Envoyé : 23 juin 2004 09:22
À : Elecraft
Objet : FW: RE : [Elecraft] Vrms measurements with oscilloscope

I have a 'scope.
I have a K2.
Be happy to run through, recording Pk-Pk voltages for you.
What points do you want measured?

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

If someone could provide us some readouts ... with a scope would be really
appreciated. </snip>

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