FW: Tech Notes Page

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FW: Tech Notes Page

Richard Klingensmith

I had some similar problems with Microsoft Internet Explorer. You need to
right cllick on the link and open it or save it to disk then open in by
double cllicking. I assume you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. If not
do that first.


>From: "V Cortina" <[hidden email]>
>To: <[hidden email]>
>Subject: [Elecraft] Tech Notes Page
>Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 11:50:29 -0500
>Hey folks!
>Quickly, K1 serial #1977 is just about fully inventoried, and the
>construction will soon begin.  But that is not why I am here now.
>Is it me, or is there something amiss with the links to the "Cheap and
>Dirty Signal Tracing" for both the K1 and the K2?  When I click on them, I
>get just a blank screen, very similar to what I see when I tell my kids to
>clean their rooms.  If I click on anything else on that or any other page,
>everything seems fine.
>Just thought I'd check.
>Vin   KR2F
>Mount Tremper, NY
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