FW: units of measurement, explained

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FW: units of measurement, explained

Brian Wruble
Guys, Steve was kidding, and I took the bait.  My face continues to redden
as the thread goes on.  In my own defense --- it was before I'd had my
coffee, my cat was sitting on the mousepad, and I have a teenage daughter.

73 and Happy Holidays to all

Brian, W3BW

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Wruble [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 09:02
To: 'Steve Jackson'
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] units of measurement, explained

Very good.  You got me!  Also very funny.  I am happy to be your straight
man.  73, Brian

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Jackson [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 08:59
To: Brian Wruble
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] units of measurement, explained

Uh-oh.  Is my humor really that dry?

... or is yours drier?  ;-)

--- Brian Wruble <[hidden email]> wrote:

> How in the world did a change to solid state affect
> a naming convention?  1
> Hz = 1 cps, regardless of the circuit devices.  1
> uuf ("micro micro farad")
> = 1 pf, regardless of the devices used in the
> circuit.  I am baffled by this
> notion. Can you provide more evidence?  73 de Brian
> W3BW

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units of measurement, mmfd>pf, puffing for nf [END of threads]

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
Interesting topic, but we're overloading the list with way too many

Let's let these threads rest for now :-)

73, Eric  WA6HHQ
List Moderator

Brian Wruble wrote:

> Guys, Steve was kidding, and I took the bait.  My face continues to redden
> as the thread goes on.  In my own defense --- it was before I'd had my
> coffee, my cat was sitting on the mousepad, and I have a teenage daughter.
> 73 and Happy Holidays to all
> Brian, W3BW
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Wruble [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 09:02
> To: 'Steve Jackson'
> Subject: RE: [Elecraft] units of measurement, explained
> Very good.  You got me!  Also very funny.  I am happy to be your straight
> man.  73, Brian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Jackson [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 08:59
> To: Brian Wruble
> Subject: RE: [Elecraft] units of measurement, explained
> Uh-oh.  Is my humor really that dry?
> ... or is yours drier?  ;-)
> --- Brian Wruble <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>How in the world did a change to solid state affect
>>a naming convention?  1
>>Hz = 1 cps, regardless of the circuit devices.  1
>>uuf ("micro micro farad")
>>= 1 pf, regardless of the devices used in the
>>circuit.  I am baffled by this
>>notion. Can you provide more evidence?  73 de Brian
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