Fan, PTT, 10m power Out

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Fan, PTT, 10m power Out

Steve L.-3
I've fully embedded my K2 with it's new 100W option
into my SO2R layout, driving a SB220 for the 2nd
station (replacing a hopelessly inadequate FT847).

While everyone works fine, the cooling fan is blowing
air INTO the radio and exiting from the speaker.
Is this right or did I install it backwards?

I know the story of no CW PTT and it IS causing me
trouble here, if I set the T-R delay long enough to
drop out between words at 18WPM, the delay is too long
for fast contesting. I have programmed one of the
fast-keys to be T-R delay so I can adapt pretty

... but if the firware be changed to interpret the
microphone's PTT as PTT for CW I'll be first in line
to buy it.

I get full power output on all bands except 10m, that
seems to be about 80W. Before configuring to the
K2/100, I got 12W output on 10m CW and nearly 15 on
the other bands. The K2's display says 100W. On the
lower bands, it says 110W when keydown.

Is this a matter of tweaking the F/R power pots to get
100W on 10m when it says 100W or will that boost the
power out on the lower bands too much?

Big CW contest next weekend, this unit's gonna get to
play QRO, wheeee!!!

73, Steve N4SL Snohomish, WA USA

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Re: Fan, PTT, 10m power Out

Brian Mury-3
On Sat, 2005-12-02 at 15:41 -0800, Steve L. wrote:
> While everyone works fine, the cooling fan is blowing
> air INTO the radio and exiting from the speaker.
> Is this right or did I install it backwards?

That's correct. It's set up so it blows cool air from outside the radio
across the PA transistors.

73, Brian

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