Ferrite Core Baluns/1:1 Ferrite Core Current Balun

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Ferrite Core Baluns/1:1 Ferrite Core Current Balun

Ken N4SO-2

For ferrite cores for EMI suppression  see   www.fair-rite.com
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The proper term for the ferrite material in the Balun is-

Round Cable EMI Suppression Cores

One part number  (in a series of many types)  is  Fair-Rite part nr.
for HF or 14 mHz.  The cores (of which you require several)   are slipped
over the
coax cable and held together with 3M Heat Shrink Tubing.  The catalog
section is
available in a .pdf  from Fair-Rite showing the various types.
The ferrite cores slip over RG-8/RG11/RG213 coaxial cable, the heat shrink
tubing keeps
the cores together and adds protection.

The 1:1 Ferrite Core Current Balun is shown in a picture and diagram in QST
mag.  February 2005, page 28 and 29.

Ken N4SO
Mobile,  Alabama  EM50tk
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