The Guano Reef Bashful Perverts will once again attempt a top finish in
1A Battery using the K2
from Long Key, FL (mm70). We will begin setup at 2PM EDST (10:00Z) and
use the full 27 hours
in the hope that a few other QRPers will be doing the same. Past
operations have been near 100% CW,
but we may try some SSB in the three "bonus" hours. Operators will be
K4PG, N4GM, and N4BP.
Call will be N4BP. This year, we will add a tri-band Yagi and 40M
dipole to our antenna arsenal.
In most previous years, we have used one antenna, the infamous "Ugly
Vertical" for 40-10.
We will also be set up for packet and satellite QSO's thanks to N4GM.
Good luck to all, and hope we work many fellow QRPers!
73, Bob Patten, N4BP Plantation, FL
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