Field Day Report

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Field Day Report

Jim Brown-10
One of the two CW rigs at K9OR was my K2/100 with KAT100. That rig made 1072 QSO's.
We ran 100 watts for all of the contest, with the exception of the time it took to make the five
QRP QSO's needed to qualify for the "alternative power" bonus. To do this, we simply
disconnected the rig from the 12 v supply running from our generator, connected it to our solar
panel/battery, and dropped the power to 4 watts. I was able to make the 5 required alternative
power QRP QSO's in less than 5 minutes!  

Jim K9YC

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RE: Field Day Report


Wow, you did great during field day.  My K2 was set up as a QRP 5 watt CW
only rig.  I only made 403 QSOs, but we had to shut down early because of a
thunder storm.  My antenna was a center fed dipole.  I was wondering what
kind of antenna you were running?

QRP during field day is a real challenge.  To make 100 or 200 contacts is a
piece of cake.  After that you have to cope with the dupes.  QRP power is a
challenge tying to overcome the 100 watt stations with the big antennas.

I wish other ORP Field Day K2 Stations would post their field day results
and antenna used.  I am sure other QRP stations running wire antennas
doubled, tripled, or quadrupled my score.

I was W4NLX 5A SFL and if you had a QSO with that station on CW it was with

73's Jerry, KC4YDP  

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Jim Brown
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 9:44 AM
To: Elecraft List
Subject: [Elecraft] Field Day Report

One of the two CW rigs at K9OR was my K2/100 with KAT100. That rig made 1072
QSO's. We ran 100 watts for all of the contest, with the exception of the
time it took to make the five QRP QSO's needed to qualify for the
"alternative power" bonus. To do this, we simply disconnected the rig from
the 12 v supply running from our generator, connected it to our solar
panel/battery, and dropped the power to 4 watts. I was able to make the 5
required alternative power QRP QSO's in less than 5 minutes!  
Jim K9YC

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RE: Field Day Report

Jim Brown-10
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 16:16:52 -0400, Jerry wrote:

>I was wondering what kind of antenna you were running?

The CW stations used all dipoles, average height about 30-35 ft. The phone station had
a dipole for 80 and 40, and a monster Delta beam for 20/15/10. The SSB station made
786 contacts, while the two CW stations did 1072 and 1037 respectively.  We worked
three ZL's on 40 cw, as well as Hawaii. The west coast was off the end of our 80 meter
dipole, but we still managed a bunch of Q's from the west coast.

Jim K9YC

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