Field day at W5SV

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Field day at W5SV

David F. Reed
Encouraged by discussions on this list, I made plans for field day, to
take all of my Elecraft transceivers out to a park near a lake here
(Lake Travis), and get the family out there with me.

My field day plans were altered by an accidental fall from a ladder a
week before field day, that resulted in a sprained ankle on the left
foot and evulsion of three toe nails on the right foot - obviously, I
was hobbled so the camping was out.

I opted for taking a comfy camping chair out on my back deck, my KX1
with KXPD1 and fresh batteries.  I hooked it up to my loop antenna and
started off on 20 meters, moving down to 30 as 20 faded, then down to
40, and finally., 80.

I ran out of steam before the batteries did, and had a blast!

The Texas heat was oppressive, so lots of water breaks; as the sun set,
a nice breeze came in, and that helped keep mosquitoes at bay after sunset.

All in all, a very pleasant operation.  No really high rates, when I run
QRP, I tend to tune and pounce, rather than camp on a frequency; any
other strategies out there?

Logging was done on my laptop.

Thanks Elecraft, list members, builders and FDers for the great time...

73 de Dave, W5SV
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