First Build, K2 on the air

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First Build, K2 on the air

Kent Tannery
K2 4631 was operational last night for the first time.  This was my first electronic build, and I am now addicted.  I received the radio, with options, for Christmas and asked an experienced builder to show me the proper way to solder and get started.  He also agreed to loan me his soldering iron and tools.  I had pre-arranged an escape plan in case I got into this and decided that it was beyond my scope where he agreed to build the entire radio for me if I wished it.  (I later found out that he was hoping he would get to build it!)  This was a great experience due to the quality, great instruction manual, and the on-line (website) version of the manual helped me do a quick "search" when needed.  I am also a fan of reading and searching the emails on this list for additional information and comments.  And to think you can have this much fun and the end result gives you a great radio.
I recommend this highly.  Now, to find what I am going to build next or when the Elecraft Anonymous Meetings are?  Hi Hi.  73 de

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