K2 4616 built by Alan W1HYV had its first major workout in the QRP all band category during ARRL CW over the weekend. Didn't have as much time to operate as last year (3rd place) but the results of a casual operation were:
Band QSOs Country
1.8 1 1
3.5 44 35
7 131 53
14 160 51
21 149 51
28 26 1 8
Total 511 209
Score: 319,143
The K2 is amazing! The receiver / DSP is the best I have ever used. The reduction in operating fatigue during S&P operation is significant .. I was able to work stations in the noise that I couldn't hear with my other QRP radios. KH6 & TF on 80M were good examples.
Thanks to Eric and Wayne for a great design it is world class!!
Also many thanks to Alan for a great job with the construction.(My manual dexterity isn't what it used to be and I wasn't comfortable with the K2 as a first effort.).
Tom N1TM
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