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First QSO using the KX3's built-in RTTY mode

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First QSO using the KX3's built-in RTTY mode

wayne burdick
4620 posts
The KX3 will have the same built-in RTTY and PSK31 modes as the K3:  
just set the DATA mode for FSK-D or PSK-D, and turn text decode on.  
You can then send CW with either the attached paddle or an external  
paddle and the KX3 will convert it to RTTY or PSK31. The VFO B display  
is alphanumeric, and it can display on-air data signals. No computer  

I just made the first QSO using the KX3's RTTY mode (FSK-D), running  
12 watts. Lots of activity in the 20-meter RTTY zone today (14080-4090).

I'll be monitoring 14085.00 while working on firmware today in case  
anyone wants a rare 6-land RTTY QSO :)


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Re: First QSO using the KX3's built-in RTTY mode

Randy Foltz-2
2 posts
Hello, Wayne.

If you were sending the proper serial number, your first KX3 built-in RTTY
mode contact was with me.  The serial number you sent was 001.  I was
running a K3 at 100 w using FSK-D also.  I sort of thought the call looked
familiar.  It was a good contest.

Randy, K7TQ
Moscow, ID

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Burdick" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Cc: "Elecraft Reflector" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 9:17 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] First QSO using the KX3's built-in RTTY mode

> The KX3 will have the same built-in RTTY and PSK31 modes as the K3:
> just set the DATA mode for FSK-D or PSK-D, and turn text decode on.
> You can then send CW with either the attached paddle or an external
> paddle and the KX3 will convert it to RTTY or PSK31. The VFO B display
> is alphanumeric, and it can display on-air data signals. No computer
> needed.
> I just made the first QSO using the KX3's RTTY mode (FSK-D), running
> 12 watts. Lots of activity in the 20-meter RTTY zone today (14080-4090).
> I'll be monitoring 14085.00 while working on firmware today in case
> anyone wants a rare 6-land RTTY QSO :)
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
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Re: First QSO using the KX3's built-in RTTY mode

wayne burdick
4620 posts
Randy Foltz wrote:

> If you were sending the proper serial number, your first KX3 built-
> in RTTY mode contact was with me.  The serial number you sent was  
> 001.  I was running a K3 at 100 w using FSK-D also.  I sort of  
> thought the call looked familiar.  It was a good contest.

I do indeed have you logged as my first QSO, Randy. Thanks.

Were you using a keyer paddle (CW-to-DATA)?


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