(Could be also in "Does anyone miss passband tuning, audio notch on K2?")
Hello Electrafters,
I re-discovered my Datong FL-3 filter in the attic, and I wonder if that
would not be a solution : it has a secondary fixed output. I guess that
other brands of external filters have the same feature.
One could even use it for its initial purpose :
According to net reviews this filter still seems competitive, even versus
those with DSP stuff.
Although it does not work at the IF level, it has some sort of PBT and a
notch filter, too.
That just needs soldering some dedicated cables, nothing to do inside the
By the way, connect an external speaker, more comfortable.
As we would say here, placed over the K2 it almost resembles a toad on a
matchbox ;-)
73 de F5LCI es sri fer my english.
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