Front panel board resistance checks failing?

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Front panel board resistance checks failing?

Mark Magner VE3LLL

Some resistance checks on the J1 connector of the front panel board are not
showing the values listed on page 28 of manual rev. F.  Pins 1-7 and pin 13
either have no connection to ground on the board, or resistance higher than
my wide-ranging multimeter can show.  The other pins are showing values as

I'm brand new at this, and may be out to lunch.  But I've tested the traces
outlined in Appendix B of the manual and at least seven of the eight
'failing' pins in J1 seem to be connected as expected to elsewhere on the

- J1 pins 1-3 --> R3 pot, R3 seems to be alive and acting like a pot.
- J1 pin 3 --> C8 cap.
- J1 pin 4 --> PTT on the mic config block.
- J1 pin 5 --> AF on the mic config block.
- J1 pin 6 --> ENC B hole for Z1 shaft encoder pin (Z1 not yet installed).
- J1 pin 13 --> ENC A hole for Z1 shaft encoder pin.

I can't see where on the board that J1 pin 7 (AUXBUS) pin should surface, so
haven't tested its connection to anywhere else, but it shows no connection
to ground.

What might be wrong to cause the symptom of no connection to ground on these

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


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