Full Moon Pic for EPA QRP Club Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Award Received!

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Full Moon Pic for EPA QRP Club Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Award Received!

Edward R. Breneiser-2
Hello all,

Thanks to Dana Hager I now have put a picture of a full moon on the
I don't need any other pics, so no need to send me more.
Today I'm charging my 2.2AHR battery and I have installed new batteries
in my headlamp.
Bought two new AAs as spares. Found my backpack and collapsible stool
and checking my VBWFPA for all the parts.
Now I have to look for a thermos for my hot chocolate! Just about ready
for the Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Event on Tuesday night.  Oh yes, I
will cut down and sharpen two pencils for logging.  Here's what I will
be using up on the mountain Tuesday night:

Rig:       Elecraft K1  s/n 31
Ant:       Vertical Black Widow Fishing Pole Antenna or VBWFPA

Take a look at the new Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Award at:




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