Fw: Hate the word HAM

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Fw: Hate the word HAM

I have a different perspective on the code requirement...

I was really into Heath Kits when I was in h.s. (~1977). I _so_ wanted to
get my Novice license; however, I didn't have an Elmer. I would look at the
Heath catalog dreaming that some day I would. I tried learning the code by
myself (as I had to learn it for Boy Scouts anyway (it was a first class
requirement back then). The problem was that I learned it wrong. Without
mentoring, I learned it via mental look-up-lists. I am still struggling with
that today.

When the code requirement was reduced to 5wpm-- I was able to get my extra
license and I have been very active in amateur radio and scouting (I am
actually running a JOTA event for the Boston Minuteman Council this Oct.).
There were a bunch of people that were just as I.

Now I am seeing a big uptake in amateur activity with the dropping of the
code requirement. Ironically, I am seeing more people get on CW. IMHO-- CW
is more _popular_ now that there isn't a requirement. I _love_ the idea of
CW! I wish I were more of an audible communicator (I am very visual)-- it is
just something my brain doesn't do very well and I struggle with it.

I have one of those MFJ code practice appliances and I struggle >12wpm. I
have vowed to master it (well at least >20wpm) just because I will not let
it beat me! :) (:I am a stubborn Swede and the only way to get me to do
something is to tell me I can't do it:)

Youth today have too much on their plate to do what we did. My daughter had
a blast at field day! There were 3 other teenagers there and they ran the
GOTA station. She made 96 contacts and was psyched to take the test. Now
back in the day-2-day, I can't get her to spend the 4h coaching enough to
take the exam. They will not invest the time to get on the air as it is too
easy to get involved with other things that give immediate gratification,
e.g., photography, web design, programming, gaming, etc. I have had some
moderate success getting some scouts interested in radio enough to take the
test (but I have to bring it to them rather then them being motivated enough
to seek out an exam).

Sorry, I guess I got a bit winded...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Murray" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft Post Message" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 23:12
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Hate the word HAM

The theory was bad enough but what about the 20WPM
code.  Had to go back three times before I got it.
Had an awful time.  I guess that's one of the reasons
I hated to see the cw requirement go.  It was so hard
for me but if you want it bad enough etc. etc.

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