Fw: K2 Inventory 'problem'

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Fw: K2 Inventory 'problem'

David Walker-8

The 'Mojo Fairy' never punishes. Not like God in the imaginations of men
whom I'm told is full of wrath, vengence and intolerance.   I am the most
inept K2 operator at times and I've been blessed with good fortune at all

It's groovy baby - yeah!



----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Scovell" <[hidden email]>
To: "Hisashi T Fujinaka" <[hidden email]>
Cc: "Elecraft" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 5:43 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K2 Inventory 'problem'

They say that confession is good for the soul so perhaps I should detail my
foolish mistake.
I looked at the RFa bag bandolier, not too closely it turns out, and decided
that it wasn't carrying any 1/2 watt resistors. Not being able to find any
loose ones I counted up the number of resistors required for the RF board
and compared this to the number of R's on the bandolier ---two short!!! but
I had overlooked R115 and R116.
After a 'heads up' (I hope I'm using that term correctly) from Don Wilhelm I
looked again at the bandolier which, of course, was loaded with two 1/2
watts in their ordained position.
I should not have been so quick to doubt Elecraft's reliability. My only
worry now is that the 'Mojo Fairy' might punish me for this --- perhaps if I
record my thanks to Christine, Walter, Judy and Somarian for a 100% perfect
pack I shall be forgiven.

Bill / VK4SQ

p.s. I didn't suffer your headache --- I'm the proud possessor of an AADE
L/C Meter --- outside of Elecraft the best $100 I ever spent.
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