Mike wrote:
This has been a learning curve but I am thank full for this group, no
matter how much book reading I did, I would not have been able to get this
far with out the extra helpful information, thank you for all.
That's good advice for anyone, Mike. There's nothing like getting you hands
on the gear and finding out for yourself how it behaves to really understand
what's going on.
I can still remember trying to load up a wire on 80 meters back in 1952 with
a brand new Novice ticket and homebrew 1-tube transmitter and not only not
getting much antenna help from the books, by making some minor wrong
assumptions and other mistakes getting off on completely the wrong foot!
Some Hams in town came to my rescue, once I got enough signal out to be
heard at all. They were OT's while I was barely a teenager so they're all
SK's now. Having an opportunity to help someone today is one way of saying
"thank you" to the them once again.
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