Fw: Need winding machine?

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RE: Fw: Need winding machine?

John [N5BSD]
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Last bit I will say on this subject

I use a product from Cloudmark to filter my messages for spam
A P2P type operation, you block something you think is spam it is
sent up list so everyone gets it

Quite a few mailing lists and other such e-mails I get are from time
to time filtered as spam
I have to go unblock and whitelist these in my own client, so that
they do not
Get binned by the group (some of which I think do not read, since a
lot of them have
Very detailed unsubscribe instructions, AKA. Email reflectors)

Now, if I forward something on to the list or more precisely, if I
To such a message (AKA. One that has been filtered by someone as
Am I sending spam to the list?? No, because it is from the list, but
Someone somewhere thought it was spam, and filtered it so.

So whether or not it is really spam is a big pain in the rump to
truly get around.

And as others have said, several people found the email informative
(myself included)
And also state they did not buy one, the subject of companies using
spam is a whole nother matter
Many will by lists, from other sources thinking these people want
information on some type service or product
And often times do not know that the list they bought (same as the
damned telemarketers) don't really want
To hear about there whiz-bang or widget.
So I think yall should probably just sit back, have a cold one and
lossen up a bit,
Earl thought it was informative and might be interesting, and it was,
just not to everyone
So lay off the guy would ya, your harping has wasted more stack space
than Earl's original post ever could have.

And sorry to say I have contributed to the wasted bandwidth with my
rantings here as well.

Yes Wayne I am cutting off now. HI HI

- -----------------------------------
Linux user #286770
Machine # 246511
- ------------------------------------
- -----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Earl W
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 2:26 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Fw: Need winding machine?

I thought the message I forwarded to this reflector might be of
interest to other Elecrafters, and I did indicate that it was spam.
It was not intended to start a controversy.

I apologize to anyone it might have offended.

Let's drop the subject.

73, de Earl, K6SE

Version: PGP 8.1


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