Fw: OT: Long loop antennas

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Fw: OT: Long loop antennas

Stuart Rohre

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stuart Rohre" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>; <[hidden email]>; <[hidden email]>;
<[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] OT: Long loop antennas

> Yes Rhombics are fun.  Back in the Army MARS program days for me; I helped
> out at the Fourth US Army Command MARS station at Ft. Sam Houston.  They
> occupied, for awhile, a hill station that had been used by the Signal
> pre WW2 and during.   They had Rhombics aimed at Canal Zone and South,
> China, Washington DC and Europe, and maybe another.  A barefoot KWM2 was
> you needed to work the world, (100 watts or less).  Like shooting fish in

> barrel.
> Just takes too much real estate.  You can have fun with loops with omni
> directional coverage more nearly than the bi directional coverage of the
> Rhombic without termination.  The Army
> Rhombics were terminated with 600 ohm non inductive resistors as I recall.
> Made them unidirectional.
> -Stuart

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Late but hopefully not to late -- Adjustment of Bug

There was a question a while back on the adjustment of a bug.  Can't
remember exactly when but I did find the web page [?? Would you believe mine


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73  Chuck  AA8VS

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