Fw: Two radios one key

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Fw: Two radios one key


----- Original Message -----
From: Dwayne

Subject: Two radios one key

Hi name is Dwayne (ve6qx)  I just finished my K 2 , I can't beleive this little rig.  Great rig and ues it a lot more then my I C 765 loaded with all the filters.  But I have a problem I think. I have a switch that selects which radio is hooked to the antenna system. When on the k2 I make sure that the ic 765 is on another band and the mode is on ssb. ( k2 on cw) and works fine.  But if I'am on cw with I C 765 and k2 is on ssb on another band. The k2 does sum strange things. (there is one key hooked to both rigs at the same time)  I don't know if there is something in one of the menus or not ?  Maybe the secondary menu .. Sure would like to leave the key hooked to both rigs. Even with the key hooked to the K 2 by itself and the K2 is in ssb and you touch the key the k2's receive will mute.  Maybe this is standard and working as it should.  When you have a min can you get back to me pse    Tnx    Dwayne ve6qx
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