Fw: k6iii takes K2 to Korea - foto web site

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Fw: k6iii takes K2 to Korea - foto web site



Yea, I know... nothing quite so boring as looking at some guys trip fotos, but.... just in case you like that sort of thing, here tis...

I recently returned from a 2-week tourist trip to South Korea & Mongolia. See my fotos at: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/k6iii2001/my_photos

In Sept, I attended the Korean DX Convention and showed off the K2/100 that I delivered to HL2/W5IQS (Evan). This may be the only K2 in HL-land. Evan is often on the air with his K2 & wire loop antenna. His QTH is near the Incheon (Korea) Airport on IOTA AS-105. He likes 14010 and 7010. I worked him on 7010 on 10/17 at 1157z. See QRZ.COM for W5IQS bio.

Several other foto albums there, too. You are welcome to look through them all, but suspect you will find them rather boring, too.

San Jose, CA

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